Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Freshmen frenzy!

Not too much going on in paradise. K went back to work yesterday with the start of the UofH fall semester (he's so psyched to teach everyday of the week!). The campus, shown above, is bogged down with thousands of floundering freshmen. Yesterday, I was walking down the hall when someone ran up to me and asked "Where is Biology 101 held?" I guess I looked like I knew because I was wearing a lab coat.

Ah, to be a freshmen again. I have great memories from that year at Allegheny, but alas, a lot of terrible ones too. So, in honor of the start of the school year, I am listing the top five things I wish I would have known when I was a freshmen:
  1. Ride a bicycle everywhere (this wasn't really possible in Meadville during the winter, but for four months of the year, it would have been fine)
  2. Study outside, preferably by a pool or body of water
  3. Drinking on weekdays is bad for Chemisty grades
  4. Find a friend with a car and get off campus
  5. Relax and savor your time
Lame list. Oh well. Feel free to list your own advice for the Class of 2010!


Kyle said...

Join a fraternity, wear a bowtie or grow your hair out, and have sex with drunk 19 year olds.

There is plenty of time to become a good person later when your hairline recedes and you start getting fat.

Anonymous said...

**Don't eat so many PB &J sandwiches from the Grand Marketplace.

**That work study job at the library could serve as a suggestion....

**If you didn't like calculus in high school, then don't register to take calculus in the Honors College.

**Give your friends 10 years and they'll be much cooler.

**You don't know jack.

Arthur said...

Go to the gym, find a hobby, find a couple of hobbies.

Class only takes up 15 hours a week. That leaves plenty more hours to explore.

Anonymous said...

Don't complain about the food at the cafeteria- enjoy the fact you don't have to cook for yourself.